About Us

Our Mission

Highlight and help cultivate foster teens’ individual areas of passion to expose them to new experiences, build confidence, teach critical life skills and expand vocational opportunities.

Our Vision

Provide all eligible foster teens a path to leading a productive and purposeful life.

Images of Up3 youth smiling.

12,000 children

are currently in foster care in Georgia
Upon aging out of foster care

of teens end up in jail, pregnant, or sexually exploited

Our Program

Up3 complements the existing services of the foster system by providing an innovative approach that utilizes foster teens' passions as vehicles to keep them motivated to stay in school and become productive members of society. We provide:

Traditional Academic Support

Identification of Passion

Customized Passion Based Curriculum


Our Founder's Story

I have worked with teens in foster care at the amazing Carrie Steele Pitts Group Home in Atlanta for several years. As I've gotten to know and admire these young people, I've been struck by the ways in which they seem to go into every situation at a disadvantage (emotionally, academically and vocationally).


In wanting to do more to support these teens, I enrolled several of them in classes that aligned with their passion or hobby. I observed that they went into these environments from a place of strength and confidence and have also been more disposed to learning.


I strongly believe that everyone has something positive to offer the world, a strength or a unique quality that when nurtured can grow into a skill that differentiates them from everyone else.


Wanting to learn more about the foster system I started to do some research. In my research I could not find any existing organization or program that identifies and builds upon the strengths these young people already have.


I started this nonprofit to continue this work of supporting foster youth and increase the number of teens I am able to serve.  These young adults deserve a fair shot to live their best lives, to find their purpose and to leave their mark on the world.


They deserve to be more than a foster care statistic.

Up3 founder and youth smiling